Hotterre Tenor Recorders in 442Hz or 415Hz

The Moeck Hotteterre Tenor recorders have a powerful and warm sound in all registers. The instrument is most suitable for solo playing and its extended compass of 2 1/2 octaves gives access to the Baroque flute literature. Because of their considerable length the instruments have keys for the lower notes.

Three recorders branded with the anchor serve as models for the Hotteterre-tenor. The anchor sign belongs to Jean Hotteterre and his descendants: a very influential French family of woodwind instrument makers and composers in the 17th and 18th century with a widely spread family tree.

Includes a case, cleaning rod, cork grease and fingering chart.

Click here for Recorder Methods and Music.

Tenor in 442Hz in Boxwood and Tenor
in 415Hz in antique stained Boxwood